=== Client Dash === Contributors: joelworsham, d4mation, BrashRebel Tags: client, portal, dashboard, admin, users, webmaster, customize Requires at least: 4.7.0 Tested up to: 5.2 Stable tag: 2.1.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == = Take control of the WordPress Admin = With Client Dash, WordPress administrators have full control of the WordPresss admin. With an end goal of helping improve the user experience within WordPress specifically for clients, we've created and implemented numerous powerful features for simplifying and customizing the dashboard. = Client Dash Customize Admin Tool = Client Dash offers a powerful tool for you to take complete control of the WordPress admin for you and your users. The Customize Admin Tool gives you a, never before seen, live preview of your admin area as you customize it. Customizations are easy, intuitive, and simple to make. You can give each user role a unique view of the admin area. This tool allows you to customize the following: = Customize the Admin Menu = You are able to completely customize the WordPress admin menu using the powerful Client Dash Customize Admin tool. You are able to: * Customize menu items * Reorder all menu items * Remove menu items * Add new menu items Admin menus are also controlled on a per role basis so you are able to completely control the admin menu for each individual role. = Customize the Dashboard Widgets = Have you ever wished you could customize the WordPress dashboard a little more? Well with Client Dash you've found your solution. We implemented a powerful dashboard widget control feature using the powerful Client Dash Customize Admin tool. So now, adding, removing, rearranging and customizing WP dashboard widgets is easier than ever before. = Customizable Admin Page = Client Dash offers you a fully customizable Admin Page. You customize the following: * Which roles can see the page. * The page icon. * The page content, using the same editor you use for regular pages. * The page title. You can put anything you like in this page. You could use this page as a landing page for clients, an instructions page, etc. Want to have an unlimitted number of customizable Admin Pages? Try out [Client Dash Pro](https://realbigplugins.com/plugins/client-dash-pro) to unlock this feature! = Helper Pages = Client Dash includes a few helpful pages for your users and clients. These pages include some basic, helpful information. Each of these helper pages can be renamed, re-positioned, and visible to roles that you specify. = Extremely Extensible = From the start, Client Dash has been created with developers in mind. We've worked very hard to make extending Client Dash as easy as possible. We are also extremely receptive to suggestions, feature requests and collaborations so if you have anything to add or that you would like to see included in Client Dash, please visit the support forum here and engage us. Also, stay tuned as we are working on lots of new updates to this plugin and are also actively developing some exciting add-ons. Lots more to come! = Like this plugin? = We love making plugins for WordPress! This is just one of the many we have released and are working on. If you'd like to stay informed about what we release and receive exclusive discounts on our premium plugins, [subscribe here](http://realbigplugins.com/subscribe/?utm_source=Client%20Dash&utm_medium=Readme%20link&utm_campaign=Client%20Dash%20Plugin). We've got some really cool stuff in the works so you'll be the first to know about all of it. == Installation == Using this plugin is very simple. All you have to do is: 1. Upload the `client-dash` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Configure settings by going to Client Dash -> Settings == Screenshots == 1. Your Dashboard with the Client Dash Dashboard Widgets enabled. 2. The Client Dash Customize Admin Tool. 3. Using the Customize Admin Tool to customize the Admin Menu. 4. Using the Customize Admin Tool to customize the Admin Dashboard. 5. Customizing your custom Admin Page. == Changelog == = 2.1.4 = * Added a Delete Button for "Missing" Menu Items in the Customizer * An item normally goes "Missing" if you customize a Role's Menu and then deactivate the plugin that had originally added that Menu Item. * However, in Client Dash v2.1.1 and v2.1.2 it was sometimes possible to save Menu Items to a Role that the Role could not actually access. When updating to v2.1.3 or later it would cause these Menu Items to be "Missing". * By adding a Delete Button for these Menu Items it makes it easier to remove them without having to Reset all Menu Customizations for the Role. If the Menu Items were added by the glitch in Client Dash v2.1.1 and v2.1.2 that would be the only other way to remove them. = 2.1.3 = * Fix: Reverts priority change in 2.1.1 * Fix: Properly implements support for bbPress menu items. This is done by grabbing the capabilities from bbPress for each of their Forum Roles and mapping them to the Roles seen in the Client Dash Menu Customizer. See `bbp_get_user_role_map()` in bbPress. * Since Client Dash only allows editing the Menu for a Role and not for a User, this means that if a User were to have a combination of Roles like Subscriber and bbPress Keymaster and the Subscriber Role's Menu was customized for all Subscriber Users, the extra bbPress menu items would not show for them. = 2.1.2 = * Fix: Fixes issues with loading resources on Windows Servers * Fix: Translation file was including references to development-only files. These references have been removed. = 2.1.1 = * Fix: bbPress Menu Items now show properly in the Menu Customizer * This also should fix problems with other plugins that were loading after Client Dash was and therefore not allowing Client Dash to see their Menu Items * Fix: Prevents PHP Errors when using the Menu Customizer with BuddyPress active * Added a `client_dash_loaded` Action Hook to easily run code only after Client Dash has fully loaded = 2.1.0 = * Fix: Bumping to a minor version to ensure that anyone who may have updated to v2.0.1110 will continue to recieve updates properly * You can now use `` and `` tags with Class Names and `