=== Analytics Stats Counter Statistics === Plugin Name: Analytics: Stats Counter Statistics Version: Donate link: http://www.wpadm.com/donate URI: http://www.wpadm.com/stats-counter Tags: Stats, Stats, Stat, Counter, analytics, bbpress, analytic, hidden, hidden counter, visitor, visitors, hit, buddypress, hits, count, widget, admin, image, images, Post, plugin, posts, sidebar, google, page, comments, shortcode, twitter, track, tracking, geo, geotracking, geotargeting, geolocation, maxmind, online users, online, analyze, pageviews, reports, spider, statistics, page views, design counter, users, unique visitors, unique, realtime, views, web, page, webpage views, web page views, counters, statscounter, stats counter, statistic, wassup, google analytics Requires at least: 4.0.0 Tested up to: 4.2.3 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Author: WPAdm.com Contributors: WPAdm.com Analytics Stats Counter Statistics Plugin analyse visitors statistics on your web page, unique users, countries, city's, IPs. == Description == The Analytics Stats Counter Statistics track: * Unique User Analytics: analyze your unique users * Statistics by city * Statistics by country * Statistics screen resolution * Statistical Data Bit * Operating Systems * Landing pages * Unique visitors * Returned Visitors (Web Page "Views") * Browser Brands * IPv4 * IPv6 * design counter (analytics counter design customization) * Password protected Counter * Hidden Counter * Stats widget (tracker analytics widget) * change of location of the stats counter * detailed analytics & statistics * Online user monitor (coming soon) Customize your counter design for Analytics Stats Counter Statistics or select flexible colors for the counter of your web page. If you need help with the plugin or you want to report a bug please refer to http://www.wpadm.com/support/ == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin folder `stats counter` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory of your WordPress installation. 2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress Analytics Stats Counter Statistics Plugin have a settings section on WordPress plugin page. If you need help with the plugin or you want to report a bug please refer to http://www.wpadm.com/support/ == Other == We love to Analyze and we like a Google Analytics, that's why we are presenting you our Analytics Stats Counter Statistics Plugin & widget. Usefull additional functions can be found at www.wpadm.com in the User profile. Analytics Stats Counter Statistics is a new plugin, so we tryed have to provide a bug-free plugin/widget. We are maintain this project. We make a Stats Counter who count all new trend in Websitetracking how: IPv6, Country and City detection, Referer statistic and so on. The following counter types are at our website www.wpadm.com to choose from. Analytic Counter or tracker without registration. Just the "Counter code" in your page to insert and off you go. Two new Counter-types have been added. The Maxi-Counter and the standard counter. Both visitors are displayed as a PNG file. A detailed statistics you can find in the Analytics section from the user. Multi Analytics Counter The following designs and products, simply sign up at www.wpadm.com and select the Analytic range of users the desired counter. The detailed statistics you can find in the Analytics section from the user. = Maxi Analytics Counter (Statistics Tracker like Google Analytics) = The following designs and products, simply register and select the range of Analytics users the desired counter. The detailed statistics you can find in the Analytics section from the user. A User Admin page Google Analytics alike. = Text Analytics Counter (Stats Tracker like a Google Analytics) = The Analytics Counters can look like this. When text-counter, the count is output as text without formatting. You can format the text using HTML tags or CSS. The following settings are possible: 1. Analyze Hits / clicks analytics, visitors yesterday, total visitors, number of users who are now online and Total visitors (see our samples at www.wpadm.com) ; 2. Analyze Hits / Overall analytics clicks; 3. Total Analytic & Visitors of your website; The detailed statistics you can find in the Analytics section from the user. = Standard Counter for Analytics (Tracker Analyzer like a Google Analytics) = The following designs and products, simply sign up and select the user area to the desired counter. In this counter every visitor is only counted once per day. The detailed statistics you can find in Counter admin area. = Analytics & Stats Counter = When statistics counter only one graph is displayed. This counter is recommended to create a detailed access statistics for the complete site. The "Counter-source code" installed easily on any of your pages. The detailed statistics you can find in the user area or by clicking on the displayed image. = Functions of Counter statistics for Analytics of your website (all like a Google Analytics) = At our website www.wpadm.com you will get a detailed, clear statistics with the following features: Top 10 Referrals / Origin of visitors by URLs -> Total visitors per day. When visitors display you can now find out via IP localization, from which region / city visitors come. Top 10 search engines and keywords -> Total visitors per day are displayed on the statistics page. The initial count can now be set individually. It is also possible to count for "Hits total" and "total visitors" to change at start of your Counting. * Google alike Analytics of Hits total; * Google alike Analytics of Visitors total; * Google alike Analytics of Hits per day with date and time; * Google alike Analytics of Visitors per day; * Google alike Analytics of Average number of hits per day; * Google alike Analytics of Average visitors per day; * Google alike Analytics of Google alike Analytics of Average visits per visitor; * Google alike Analytics of The last requests with date and time, IP or Internet address of the visitor and page has clicked the visitor -> Total visitors per day; * Google alike Analytics of Top 10: Referrer / origin of visitors to pages -> Total visitors per day; * Google alike Analytics of Top 10: visited pages -> Total / per day; * Google alike Analytics of Top 10: screen resolution of visitors -> Total visitors per day; * Google alike Analytics of Top 10: Used the visitor's browser -> Total visitors per day; * Google alike Analytics of Top 10: IP or Internet address of the visitor -> Total visitors per day; * Google alike Analytics of Top 10: Country of origin of the visitors -> Total visitors per day; If Maxi Analytics Counter, Maxi-Counter, Counter and standard Text Analytics Counter is also displayed, you can see how many visitors are currently on your page. Works easily and quickly, without registration! = Capability of Analytics Counter = Analytics counter have 3 display types. Easiest is visible (not hidden) analytic hit counter on you webpage. In this case all your statistic and analytic by click on you statistic counter can see all your visitors and hits of your former visitors. That means your statistic, hits and analytics of your visitors is open for your competitors and visitors. The second statistic hits counter type is password protected. By password protected hits statistic counter is your statistic, and visitors hits protected throw password but the statistic counter self is visible for your visitors. If your choose statistic counter with displayed statistic in most cases it is hits of visitors of all time, hits visitors this week and hit counter of today. But the detailed statistic and analytics of hits counter is for your visitors and competitors is invisible. The detailed statistic analyze every visitor: His IP (among other IP v60), the city from the visitor came, the country of the visitors and the time of the visit, in the statistic you see the system of visitors PC (for example Windows 7), in the statistic you see the mobile visitors (the visitors from mobile devises), statistic show also the browser brand of the user (for example hits visitors from Firefox or hits visitors from explorer). Additional the hit counter show the statistic by bot. The statistic by bot analyzes most common bots on your web page. Hit counter statistic is in %. Most common bot is Google bot. Google analyses every you page, but the are other bots how: Baidu statistic visitor bot or Bing statistic bot. Also the user hit counter statistic analyses the unique visitors from visitors that return. The unique visitors that returns statistic determinate throw there IP. In special chart we analysis visitors per month and visitors per week. In separate statistic chart you see the growth of you unique visitors. This all can you see in our detailed hit counter statistic. The third counter type is hidden statistic counter. That mean your statistic and analysis are hidden from visitors and your statistic is open only for you. All visitors hits statistic is available in separate statistic window or by us or inside your admin area. = Stats Counter vs Google Analytics = In the following lines you will see a comparison of Stats Counter vs Google Analytics. * Google Analytics Support **Standard Free** * Google Analytics 24/7 Dedicated Support Team * Google Analytics Account Management * Google Analytics Implementation Specialist * Google Analytics Training from Google experts * Google Analytics Self-Service Support - Help Centre, User Forum * Google Analytics Optional Certified Partner Support * Google Analytics Data Processing & Limits **Standard** * Google Analytics Hits processed per month **10 Million** * Google Analytics Rows of data available in reports **50,000** * Google Analytics Unsampled Reporting * Google Analytics Data Freshness **more then 24 Hours** * Google Analytics Advertising & Multi-Channel **Standard** * Google Analytics Attribution Modelling * Google Analytics Campaign Measurement * Google Analytics AdWords Integration * Google Analytics Multi-Channel Reporting * Google Analytics Analysis Tools **Standard** * Google Analytics Custom Variables **5** * Google Analytics Advanced Segmentation * Google Analytics Custom Reporting * Google Analytics Intelligence * Google Analytics Flow Visualisation * Google Analytics Real Time Data * Google Analytics Social, Mobile & Video **Standard** * Google Analytics Social Referral and Conversion Reporting * Google Analytics Mobile Device and App Tracking * Google Analytics Video Performance Measurement * Google Analytics Customisation & Integrations **Standard** * Google Analytics Data Export and Tracking API * Google Analytics Custom Reports * Google Analytics Sharing & Workflow **Standard** * Google Analytics Intuitive UI, Rapid Set Up * Google Analytics Dashboards, Custom Reports, Advanced Segments * Google Analytics Export and Email report functionality * Google Analytics Service Level Agreements & Guarantees **Standard** * Google Analytics Freshness **more then 24 Hours** * Google Analytics Collection * Google Analytics Reporting * Google Analytics Service Level Guarantees == Frequently Asked Questions == = I just wanted to now what city is "others..."? = Counter takes into account all of the city where visitors come to your web page. Table TOP10 show you the top 9 cities where you get the highest number of visitors and the "other" at number 10.
The "other" - all the cities, we are counting, that are not included in the TOP10 list. This is "summary" of all cities, that are not apparent from TOP10 list. In most cases these are small towns and villages.